Oh, Ralphie. What a guy. The Christmas legend from A Christmas Story has left generations of film buffs with one of the single most iconic images in all of modern movie history. Let me give you a hint: it starts with the phrase, “I double dog dare you” and ends with Ralphie’s tongue fused to a frozen pole. Yes, that’s just one of the many memorable moments from the movie, and our selection of A Christmas Story merchandise takes that scene, plus the world-famous leg lamp and puffy, layered winter coats and puts them front and center on high-quality T-shirts to help catapult you straight back to 1983 Hammond, Ind. True fans know that the house where the Parkers lived was actually in Cleveland, but that’s beside the point.
We’ve got a Christmas Story T-shirt to cover all the film’s most famous scenes, including the ones previously mentioned. But we’ve also got a bunch of classic A Christmas Story shirts that feature some of the best known phrases to come out of the Jean Shepherd and Bob Clark classic. Remember the deranged Easter bunny pajamas Ralphie wears? We’ve got a shirt to celebrate it. How about the “Only, I didn’t say ‘fudge’” scene? Yep, we’ve got “Oh, fudge,” shirts too. Or what about when the Old Man (Mr. Parker) gets a box in the mail that says “fragile,” and he wittily retorts: “Fra-jee-lay, must be Italian.” Inside, of course, was the famed fishnet stocking leg lamp that has become such an icon from the film. Yes, we’ve got A Christmas Story leg lamp T-shirts too. Whatever your favorite moment from the quote-worthy film, you can find a shirt here to celebrate it. Go ahead and shop around for one, A Christmas Story fans, because we’ve got shirts in all kinds of sizes and fits for everyone on your Christmas list. Do it. We double dog dare you.