Before the addiction of Angry Birds, there was Tetris®, a Russian game that people of all ages loved and obsessed over at one point in their lives. When you can?t get enough of Tetris or you feel sentimental about this ever-popular name, put on your 100% cotton Tetris T-shirt from Stylin Online! You will instantly encounter fellow fans who will nod in approval when they see you wearing one of these cotton tees.
Tetris has endured various iterations since it was first created on an Electronica 60, and it is now an escape from humdrum conversations on smartphones. Wear one of these Tetris T-shirts, and we dare you to not start humming the infectious Tetris theme song or feel an itch in your thumbs to bring out the game again. Like potato chips, you can?t play just one game of Tetris! Start a game and you?ll be settling in for a long time, even an entire afternoon, trying to get the bright colorful shapes lined up and wincing in a craze when the music gets faster with the increasing speed of the falling Tetriminos.
The Tetris T-shirts form Stylin Online are made of heavyweight preshrunk material so that the size you receive in the mail is the size it will stay, even after multiple washings. The black background of these short-sleeve Tetris tees makes the colored screen-printed images really pop. Fans of the game will instantly know what is on your shirt and smile in recognition.
Tetris ® & © 1985~2015 Tetris Holding.